Smart and Final is a warehouse store that is growing rapidly. The focus here is on food and kitchen supplies, while other warehouse stores attempt to stock anything and everything. You can use these savings to further a restaurant, fund-raiser, or simply save on your next big family get-together. When you fill out a Smart and Final application, you will be learning more about the opportunities that come with joining an up-and-coming business, and you will be starting to take advantage of everything a unionized employment package has to offer.
The company does not currently offer a Smart and Final application online from their main home page. Those who are interested in warehouse, corporate, or in-store career opportunities can send in a resume, cover letter, or printed application for Smart and Final to the e-mail address or physical address of the HR department of the company, which is provided on the Employment Opportunities page located at the tab at the bottom of every page.
You must be at least eighteen years old to fill out a Smart and Final online application. The stores are open from 7 AM to 8 PM, Mondays thru Saturdays, and 9 AM to 6 PM on Sundays. You may be asked to work outside of these hours for stocking purposes. When you fill out a Smart and Final application online form for HR, note whether you are looking for employment as a cashier, bagger, stock clerk, customer service representative, assistant manager, grocery clerk, department manager, or store manager.
Individuals working in lower-level positions such as clerking will typically make $9 to $10 an hour, and those who have loading responsibilities can make $12 to $13. Management pay will vary based on the experience you bring to the position and the management role you take on throughout the store. Manager’s pay starts at around $12 to $14 an hour but can increase to an annual salary of $75,000.
Much of the information provided before you fill out your Smart and Final application revolves around the fact that this is a fast growing business. They currently employ over six thousand people and are hiring new people every day. Willingness to work hard or help expand the business is helpful to getting your foot in the door.
Smart and Final caters to professional chefs as well as private homes. Having a working knowledge of the kitchen and food can be very helpful in interacting with these customers in a way that is helpful and likely to reflect well on the store. Any kitchen experience you have will be very helpful to getting your foot in the door.
When you fill out a Smart and Final application for a management position, you will need to reflect your experience in the position. The more experience you note on your Smart and Final job application form, the more likely it will be that you will be hired with a higher salary. This is especially relevant for those who have already had experience within the Smart and Final chain.
Those filling out a Smart and Final job application are informed that this is a unionized company, which offers additional benefits to employees. When your Smart and Final employment application is considered, you will be informed of the various benefits packages that will be available to someone in your position. Full-time employees are given access to financial rewards, including access to a credit union, 401(K) retirement plan, and an associate’s package. There is the option of signing up for healthcare coverage or life insurance, if desired. All employees are offered paid time off throughout the year.
Because you will need to apply for Smart and Final careers directly with the company, it is important that you make a solid first impression. There are no membership fees that many other stores with this setup charge, and the focus here is on providing professional-grade equipment to those who are working in the food service industry. When you fill out a Smart and Final application form, it is important to emphasize that you are comfortable working in a large environment where you may not have a lot of direct supervision. It is also important to note if you are familiar with the type of products the chain sells and comfortable talking to professionals in the industry about food and kitchen supplies.