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Coffee Shop Job Applications

    Coffee Shop Job Applications

    Coffee Shop Jobs

    The coffee shop industry sector has something of a mixed reputation in the eyes of jobseekers, but what few realize is the astonishing and limitless opportunities coffee shop industry jobs can bring. It really doesn’t matter if you’re a student looking to earn a little extra cash on the weekend or a seasoned executive with decades of experience in dining excellence –jobs in the coffee shop industry can take you further than you can possibly imagine. It’s also one of the most open and welcoming industries in the world to elderly applicants, disabled job seekers and those with no experience and no references to back them up. And in terms of benefits, there are few career paths that offer employees at all levels so much in return – you will always get out much more than you put in.

    coffee shop job applications

    Experience for Life

    You may not realize this, but if you have experience working in the modern coffee shop industry on your CV, you stand a much better chance at landing pretty much any job in your lifetime. Why? Well, quite simply because company bosses and recruitment specialists are all fully aware of the fact that to survive in a food and beverage service job of any kind, you need to be made of strong stuff. The work is demanding, fast-paced and often relentless – it’s not the place for the lazy or non-committed. What’s more, you also need to know how to keep cool in the face of adversity and ensure there’s always a smile on your face for the next customer – these are the kinds of skills that will give you an edge over rival applicants for the rest of your life.

    Of course it’s not just about the experience you’ll gain on paper either. Successful coffee shop applications lead into the kind of world-class training and coaching it’s almost impossible to put a price on. You’ll learn important life skills like time management, how to coach and support others, problem solving, handling of difficult situations, numeracy and general organizational skills. Begin climbing the ladder and you’ll learn how to build and manage a team, how to control budgets, the ins and outs of staff scheduling and what it takes to be a great leader.

    Personality Traits

    Working in a coffee shop in any capacity means coming face to face with thousands of different people from all walks of life and with every kind of personality you can imagine. As such, the ideal worker will be the kind of person that can take anything and anyone that comes their way and still delivery outstanding service. If you’re the first person they speak to in the morning over their first coffee, you play a huge role in their day. If they’re heading for a coffee to do business, you need to ensure they’re served efficiently but not disturbed. Personality really does count for so much in this industry.

    Perks of the Job

    Jobs in the coffee service industry can be hugely rewarding and not just in a monetary sense. Of course you’ll be offered an hourly rate of pay that’s at least in line with national minimums, but on top of this come a series of unique perks you won’t get access to in most other industries. For example, the freedom that comes with working massively flexible shift patterns is wonderful – you can tailor your working hours around your life, as opposed to it being the other way around. Discounts on menu items can help save you a fortune both on and off-shift, job security is guaranteed due to the strength of the industry and most modern coffee shop chains offers excellent health, dental and life insurance policy options too.

    And if you go the distance, the industry also has a strong reputation for its incredibly generous pension packages.


    Recruiters are always accepting job applications in the coffee shop industry, so you need never wait for a position to be advertised before penning an application. The call is constant and the need for young talent in ongoing. Most applications processed these days are handled online, so as a first step it’s a good idea to check out the chain or brand you’d like to work for an see if there’s a simple online application process.

    In any and all cases however, there’s so much to be said for heading out and making contact with your chosen location, just to see what happens and to get your face known.

    There’s so much more to be said for careers in the coffee shop industry that most give credit for – if you thought it was all about just filling cups and serving cakes, think again.

    Free Consultation!
